Whitsons School Nutrition Program:
Free and Reduced Meals:
Mount Sinai School District is pleased to offer parents a secure, family-friendly system for online prepayments and nutrition education. MySchoolBucks enables parents to deposit money into their child's school meal plan, track item purchases, and view their child's account balance. This online payment service provides a quick and straightforward way to add money to your student's meal account using a credit/debit card or electronic check. (Please note funds applied to students' accounts may not be immediately available for use) You can view recent purchases, check balances, and set-up low balance alerts for FREE!
MySchoolBucks provides:
How to enroll:
Please review your students' accounts prior to the first day of school to ensure that they will be able to make all meal purchases and a la carte purchases.
If you have any questions, contact MySchoolBucks directly:
Visit MySchoolBucks.com and click on Help